Quality Guarantee

We care about the product quality we sell and always strive to give you the best possible solution.
If you’re not satisfied with the quality of the products, we will investigate the problem and do whatever we can. Please, contact us within 30 days after receipt of your order and send us your Order ID and clear photos with evidence of what’s wrong. Once we confirm your claim, we will gladly send you a new order reprint as soon as possible. Our priority is to correct any issues and make you a happy customer. If we can’t send you a reprint, we will refund you.


Colour consistency

The type and settings of the machine, the material used, the humidity in the room, and the cleanliness of the printing machine are some of the factors that affect the colour, consistency, and outcome of printing. Printing is a chemical process. And it is impossible to achieve 100% consistency in what you see on the computer screen. Our printing manufacturers use similar machines, materials, and methods to reduce colour variations. However, any colour variations that can happen due to these factors are within acceptable ranges and are not part of our quality guarantee.


Damaged and defective products

If your order is defective or damaged, such as products damaged, have the wrong number or quantity, or have low quality outside acceptable ranges, we will cover the costs of reprint or the new order.


Product size

Depending on the manufacturer, the size chart for t-shirts and other clothes may have a 2″ discrepancy. Each manufacturer sets their tolerance level for how much the sizing can differ. These factors are within acceptable ranges and are not part of our quality guarantee. Please, check the product page and Size Guide page for more information about each product size.


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